Though this is coming late; Happy New month World!
For a while, I never understood what it meant to be living in good health, I just considered it as one of those things one is entitled to, you did not have to pray about it or be thankful for it. I guess that perception changed when I took trips to a certain hospital and saw the sick and I mean the really sick. At that moment, I told myself " I have done nothing to God, for Him to put me in good health, every breathe is a blessing and a miracle"
In essence what I am trying to say is never forget to tell God "thank you" to be able to see a new day.If you really take time to think and evaluate things, you will realise you are not more qualified to be in good health or be alive than those that are on sick beds, dying or dead.
A word of hope to those with health challenges: God is able to turn that situation around and there is hope in that promise of sound health.
I was going through some old journals and I saw a simple story illustrating the hope of salvation and hope that I thought it necessary to share. Read and be blessed.
A shepherd had two pregnant sheep and was excited about it. On the fateful delivery day both sheep gave birth but the lamb of one of the sheep dies and the mother of the other lamb dies. The confused shepherd needed to device a plan that would save the orphaned lamb so he decide to put the lamb close to the bosom of the bereaved mother but to his surprise, each time she sniffs it she pushes it away.
The shepherd realises that the mother knows the lamb is not hers, so he slaughtered the dead lamb and robbed its blood all over the living lamb and brought it back to the mother sheep. This time she sniffs it and allows it to suck.
This is how the mystery of the Kingdom works; to come to God, to get the best from the Father, to be nourished and blessed by God, we all need a certain type of blood and that is the Blood of Jesus Christ. This is done by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour and giving Him Lordship over your life.
John 14:6 "Jesus said..."I am the way, the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me."
Life is a transient and vulnerable state, it is therefore a wise conclusion to have divine help. make Jesus the Lord of your life and have that boldness to approach the throne of grace to obtain mercy in the time of need.
God bless you plenty>
Inspirational,thanks and God bless.
Thanks for sharing! I'm totally inspired by the part about the scent of the Blood of the lamb. Bless you.
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