Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Wonderful Cross

Hello World!!!!

  Yes, it has been a while AGAIN!!! This time, it was not due to a “writers’ block or pause” I think more towards improper time management and dare I say “procrastination”. God have mercy! Amen.
     I was going to start off with the popular saying ”Thank God, its Friday” but then I thought, what about those that have shifts on the weekends, or personal businesses to run or something that takes as much of our time as any other day? Well, “Thank God, its another beautiful” would suffice for me. It is another day to be thankful, another day to be blessed, another day to be a blessing, another day to be around family, friends and loved ones, another wonderful day God has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Hallelujah!!!
     Enjoy reading this little piece of words put together (Lol) and be blessed!!
                              THE WONDERFUL CROSS

     In life, we are often faced with seemly hard choices and most of the time it usually is “to do or not to do?” or “to go or not to go?” That is basically what are our choices are hinged on. Quite often than none, the way out is usually that one which we dread the most, that one that will take us out of our comfort zones, that would make us work a little harder or spend a little less money on our cravings. It is usually that one that throws out right in the middle of the raging storm.
     However, be rest assured that raging storms do not last forever because this is what God said about situations like that in Isaiah 43:2 “When you go through the sea, I am with you. When you go through rivers, they will not sweep you away. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will not harm you” and we as His beloved children can always trust and believe the very words of God because it is well able and powerful to show God always as a loving Father and a righteous King. Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not My word like fire? declares the Lord and like a hammer that shatters a rock? So no matter what you may be going through or the choices you have to make, take them to God, He will always lead you to the right destination.
     This reminds me of a story in Matthew 19:21 about the rich man and Jesus Christ. This certain man came to Jesus asking “what else can I do to gain eternal life?” He was very justified in his own eyes, I mean he felt he kept the 10 commandments from A-Z since childhood so what is next? Personally, I wondered why he still felt empty enough to know that despite his great wealth that something was missing. He did not feel satisfied, complete or fulfilled.
    The all knowing Jesus who sees our hearts told him “one thing is lacking, sell all your wealth, give to the poor and follow me.” That must have been a huge blow to him because he just turns around and walks away feeling sad. I think that was one open cheque of Jesus’s “follow me” that was not cashed. He could not just imagine his life without all the rewards to show for his hard work or probably he considered the loss of all the wealth unbearable to comprehend or his public image or this type of new way of life he was not accustomed to.
     In this present world, it may not have to do with selling all your wealth and giving it to the poor that is the one thing still lacking. It could be a bad habit that needs to be given up on, living in forgiveness, showing and living in more love, believing God more, worry less or mature in faith. It is our responsibility through the help of the Holy Spirit to sort it out. Only then can we truly surrender to Him and follow Him.
     A life in Jesus Christ can not be compared to the life we try to map out for ourselves.

  I end with some of the lyrics of “The Wonderful Cross” by Michael W. Smith;

“When I survey The Wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride”

            Stay Blessed and God dearly loves you!

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