Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Story To Tell

      Where to begin? I was going to take one of the many pieces from my journals to post then I thought about writing something on “Consistency” would be better. Something that would speak to the guilty and that includes all of us! But as I pondered with so many thoughts racing through my mind, I decided to write a story.
     A story of survival right from your mother’s womb, most of us know the “Biologic law”; once a sperm fertilizes an egg no other sperm can fertilize it again. So in this twist, suppose your sperm did not win the race? You would not even exist. Just imagine the risks and probability involved in the development of a growing foetus, yet you made it through.
   A story of strength through and even in the mists of the raging storms. It is no surprise we were brought forth into different homes and families, our challenges; peculiar, upbringing; worlds apart, wants and needs sometimes basic but yet diverse. Through the losses, pain of separation from loved one, silent and lonely tears, you are still standing. Maybe a shell of what you used to be, looking put together on the outside but broken up inside. You are still standing because something inside of you believes there is more, a better tomorrow, a better story to look forward to.
   A story of hope, when every voice around you is telling you give up and you can not make it across that finish line. You still get up day after day to prove them wrong and tell yourself you are not a failure. When opportunities seem lost and dreams seem to fade away, you do not give in but stand your ground because of that sunshine you see in your heart.
   A story of love, self love that appreciates the person you are becoming. A love that makes you smile and believe in yourself. A love that gives you the courage to push away negativity from around you and embrace those things that encourages and lifts you up. A love that makes you appreciate the simple things of life taken for granted; the sunrise, the night skies bedazzled with stars, birds singing and most of all the love that lets you believe and walk in the supreme love that is of God.
   A story of tomorrow, a story with so many questions and yet so many answers if we dare to listen, a story about the choices made today that not only has the power to affect our very life but generations yet unborn. What would your story be? Will it be a story of defeat, mediocrity, excuses or a story of victory, excellence, or a good report? Every good and lasting story comes from the One who made you not your parents (channel through which you came into the world) not the big bang theory, not evolution.
   Life sometimes is not as pretty as most stories would put it, the challenges faced can be most daunting from lack to sickness and everything in between that can be imagined that is not good. But there is one assurance given by Someone who made life itself; “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give thee rest…” that Someone is Jesus Christ. It is an open invitation to all of us, just the way you are.
  “Before I formed thee in thy mother’s womb I knew thee…” Jeremiah 1:5
  “I know the plans I think towards you, plans of good and not of evil…” Jeremiah 29:11
It is therefore wisdom to honor the open invitation of the One who knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb and has the plan of your life.

Think about it, meditate on it and be blessed by it.