Thursday, April 24, 2014

Still Celebrating Easter?

       Hello World! how was the Easter celebrations? A lot of Easter bunnies  and eggs I presume?
       I didn't want to write a post during the Easter period like many other celebrations, we tend to forget what the real essence of what is been remembered. Its like fasting or going to church on Sundays; we want to be holy on those days. We want to look religious and do no wrong but what about Mondays or Wednesdays or days when we are not fasting?
The truth of the matter is God wants us to live a fasted life, He wants us to be careful of what we eat, we wants us to live a life everyday as if we are fasting or Sunday is everyday!
       The Easter story, yes we know Jesus Christ came to the earth, God in the flesh. While He walked on the earth he did many miracles, healed the sick, opened blind eyes, cleansed the leprous, made whole those possessed by demons and so many other things and when death came, He died and after three days He rose from the dead by the power of God. Why did He do it? Why did he see the need? Some people may feel I live a pretty good life without one good Samaritan coming to die for me and hearing constantly I need to accept him to live a meaningful life, do I really have to?
      Let's rewind back to creation, God made us, made man in His image and likeness. In other words to be made in the image and likeness of God means you carry what God carries. Nobody should be able to tell you, you are not pretty enough or handsome enough; the book of Psalms 139:14 tell you who you really are.
       God created man; Spirit first because God is a Spirit and enjoys fellowship with our spirit, then Soul which I believe was dead before the fruit was eaten then Body. Isn't it funny how the devil convinced the woman to eat from the Tree of Knowledge and not the Tree of Life which was also in the garden. When the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge was eaten, the soul became alive and the spirit died. The original order became reversed, now the senses where alert, they knew they were naked, they felt shame.( I would like to state here when you are communing with God your senses are dead, you walk by faith and not by sight that's why before the fall their senses were dead they walked in faith, after the fall, their senses became heightened walking by what they saw hence had to cover up themselves. In the book of Hebrews 11: 6 for without Faith, its impossible to please God....". so in that state, they could not please God)
        The devil specialises in giving people counterfeits or giving them what is already theirs but because of ignorance and emotions take it and get into trouble. When God created man, man was already a god, so why would eating a fruit make him any more a god than what he was already? Remember, God gave man dominion, authority over all His creation but by disobedience and ignorance they lost that. Now, man was cast into the devil's playing ground, this world. Controlled by emotions, doing things because just because it felt right and no more enjoying that communion and direction with and from God.
      The ministry of the devil is to Steal, Kill and Destroy. If he isn't stealing, he is killing and if he isn't  killing he is destroying. Now we may want to deny that the devil exists but just take a moment and turn on the news and just 5 minutes, you can see the horror of things happening, the wars, deaths, sickness, oppression, evils all around. Now, if there is so much evil, there has to be a corresponding good and that's where God comes in again.
       The ministry of Jesus is a Life ministry John 10:10. And how can you be immuned from the horrors of this earth? be in the camp of God  and how can we be in God's camp? through Jesus Christ. Now, the devil been the god of this world didn't understand why God will send Jesus Christ, he is not as smart as you think. He thought the death of Jesus on the Cross was the end, he didn't have a clue; the book of Colosians 2:15 tells us what Jesus did to the devil and his agents after the Cross
        Blood for Blood; Jesus shed blood from his body during the whipping, it wasn't for fun. God doesn't do anything for fun, He calculates every step. That blood was going to take the place of the blood bulls and rams that was used for the atonement of sins. That blood doesn't have to be renewed, that blood speaks. Remember when Cain killed his brother, the blood of Abel cried to God. The blood of Jesus speaks friend! When a man is covered with the blood of Jesus, how can an enemy that was disgraced and humiliated by the owner of that blood do anything to that man?
        That blood has life, the life of a man is in the blood. When blood leaves, life follows. The supernatural is more real than the physical. That blood now gives to man what Adam had originally had but lost. To live in this world you need the backing of God, you need the power of God to continue. Do not think for a second your alarm clock wakes you up, if you think so then ask those who died in their sleep and their alarm clocks did a whole lot of singing. Every waking day is a blessing and say learn to be grateful for the chance to see a new day.
     The blood came out from a whipped body and that body was whipped for our healing, no more molestation from sickness or diseases; 1st Peter 2:24. In Christ, you are covered all round.
      So the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ isn't just an Easter story but a call to realise certain things: the love of God for man, the need for man to realise what is already his, to live a life of dominion and power over  a defeated foe who truly hates man.
       How does this life begin? by accepting Jesus into your life. A simple prayer, a new beginning.

"Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. You came to the earth in flesh, died for my sins and after 3 days, you rose from the dead. Forgive my sins, wash them with your blood and come into my life. Fill me with your spirit and show and teach me the ways of God my Father"
        After this prayer, go to a book store and buy a Bible, read not only reading meditate and pray everyday.
        Let Easter be what we celebrate every day in our lives. God bless!

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