Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Blank Face!

        Woke up this morning with a smile on my face and the words "a beautiful day to be me" from my lips as the morning air filled my lungs.Walked to the window,drew the curtains and the view of the city was breathe taking; you see this is one of my pent houses, the view gives you a feeling of being a giant looking down to the 'little ones' below. 
           Wasn't born with a silver spoon but today I dine with diamond crusted spoons. Breakfast was a feast as usual, with a chef on hand...Red caviar imported from Russia, bread from Lebanon& the freshest grape juice from my own grapevine...It only seems like yesterday, used to have sardines for dinner on a good day after a whole day of garbage hunting!Life is good. 
            Had a 9 O' clock board meeting with two of my CEOs' this morning with several other meetings scheduled for the day. Dressed in my $ 50,000 custom made Versace suit, ready to make more money, an elevator lift to the roof where my chopper was waiting, you see rush hour traffic is a killer and time wasting and in my books time is definitely money and money makes my world go fast. 
           In the chopper, my personal assistant with the usual daily brief that sometimes bores me but today even more, maybe its the way she says it, might have to replace her. She has a funny and crooked smile which seems fake and to me happy people make more money."Sally, after today's trip find a replacement for yourself" I said. 
           Got to the board meeting, the CEOs' gave me a run down of my profits which made the smile on my face wider, the markets doing great and the fame becoming greater.Just then a call, a call from the Prince of Monaco wanting a meeting to discuss investment prospects in one of my companies. That sounds perfect to me, and even better to my bank account. A quick chopper ride to the airport where my private plane was taxing. Got in and a new personal assistant welcomes me. "Oh Sally !!!should get a place for her to be useful I thought to myself". 
             The trip to Monaco was pleasant, had lunch and a sip of one of the rarest wine....1918, a good year indeed, as the sun beams became the source of luminance  to my flying house and the clouds a blue rug underneath, I couldn't help but be contented with my achievements.Got to Monaco, had a grand reception, the Prince made a nice investment and ended up writing a cheque for a seaside cottage. 
         What a day? A look at my custom made Rolex and it was 10pm ,it was definitely time to go home, had to have the feel of my Persian rug under my feet and a view of the sky from the roof of my pent house thanks to the retractable glass ceiling. 
          Ha!Sweet home at last,"what more could I want?"To the bathroom I went, had a shower then a long stare at the mirror to see the reflection of a face and it spoke to me "mad man! Wake up its time for your grave yard shift at the city cemetery" and like a transformation into a parallel universe; like the unwrapping of a Christmas gift. A turn around and a real look again, standing in the shack called home for 10 years."You are late for work again daydreamer" with a sarcastic laugh the reflection said..."Me, I have a meeting with Mr Chen today by 9am on the other side of the world and oh yes!would be using my private jet and everything you wished you had, there I go leaving your dream again." and walked away leaving me staring at a face and a grin of sadness.Got into my rugged old truck and drove off to work.

        Having a dream or dreams is the first step in a 10 step plan of a 10 part series program of life. don't waste time wishing, there is time to do and that time is now! Make your life count!

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